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Photo du rédacteurLeelah

18/10/2020 Carolyn Spring

Carolyn Spring est une personne ayant un TDI qui est devenue thérapeute au Royaume-Unis.

“I have spent my entire adulthood reversing adversity. I developed dissociative identity disorder (DID) as a result of extensive childhood trauma, leaving me helpless, hopeless and suicidal. Alongside this, I developed chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME), leaving me wheelchair-bound for several years. I wasn’t able to have children and in the end even my marriage ended in divorce.

I’ve spent over a decade researching and learning how the brain is impacted by trauma and suffering and how it can process and recover from such suffering. After spending years believing that I would never recover, I began to find the answers. With help, I began to turn things around to reverse adversity.

If I can turn things around, when I had so much going against me, then so can you. And that’s the hope I want to offer you. I want to show you how it’s done. It’s not easy – it takes a lot of hard work, but I want to share with you everything I’ve learned over the last fifteen years. Because recovery really is possible.”

Elle a une page facebook :

Une page de blog :

Et fait des podcasts :

Ses articles sont très intéressants !

Si l'anglais est difficile à lire pour vous, j'ai "traduit"(très rapidement via google translation), certains de ses articles sur ma page facebook "Leelah TDI".

Je trouve qu'elle a le mérite d'allier connaissances scientifiques et théories psys tout en mettant les bons mots et une explication simple à nos ressentis et vécus en tant que personne ayant un TDI. Ses mots sont les nôtres, ses explications mettent en lumière ce que nous vivons et c'est un grand plus pour nous je trouve !

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