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What are the dissociative symptoms?


Dissociative symptoms



I have amnesias, on my past, my traumas. These amnesias come and go. Sometimes I know, sometimes I don't know, sometimes I just have bits and pieces, sometimes I have a lot of details ...

But I also have amnesias in my present. I can't remember what I did or said. This may be over a long period or for the previous minutes. These amnesias do not only concern my traumas but my life in general, even the "good" times.

A few days ago, I did a Skype session with my shrink, all of a sudden my computer shut down. I did not understand what was happening ... It was not until the next day that I understood when I saw my daughter using my computer, an alert message appeared saying that there was no more than 5% of battery ... I understood that during my session with my shrink I had switched on and that one of my parts had deleted the alert message so that I could plug in my computer and thus my session with my shrink was shortened ... I have no memory of having seen or deleted it, there is also an audible alert, I did not hear it ... A party opposed this session she had not accepted and made this session short ...

Sometimes I realize that I have this hole in my memory, that I am missing minutes or hours ... Sometimes I do not realize it, my mind completely obscures the inconsistencies that my daily life can have. At the start of my therapy, some of my parts were writing emails to my therapist and I had no recollection or awareness of it. I didn't realize that I had written an email and when I realized that it sometimes happened, I spent my time going to check my sent messages to see if things had been sent without my knowledge ...

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


Some parts refuse and deny that I became a mom and have 2 daughters ("she just has to give up her daughters, her daughters are a burden, they are not mine, I am not their mother, I do not want it...).

Sometimes when one of my parts speaks, she can criticize another part of me by saying "she annoys me, I don't care what she's been through, I'm not a coward me, I'm not someone angry, I am calm and calm, it is not me, I have not lived that ... ".

Sometimes I feel like a woman, I want to please, to be beautiful and sometimes dressing like a guy pleases me and makes me feel strong and powerful. Sometimes I behave like a little girl, sometimes like a sulky or demanding teenager. I am no longer an adult.

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Sometimes I am lost, I have the feeling that I am floating and being out of my body, that I no longer really exist. Sometimes I focus on just one thing in my environment (someone is angry) and I can't see the context anymore (he is not mad at me, it's not my fault, I can and know how to defend and protect myself, I am an adult, I will not be punished, beaten, tortured, killed ...). My vision is then a little shrunk, I can no longer see my environment as it is, in its entirety. What is happening in my head or my body is more present than the reality around me.

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Loss of skills, knowledge:

Sometimes I can't help my daughters with their homework, I don't know anything about conjugation anymore, I can't speak English anymore, I can't count, I don't know my address, my age, I don't know more driving, filling out papers, spelling words, finding my way in space and time ...

Once, I went to see an occupational doctor, he was not listening to me, I was angry and frustrated… He asked me my date of birth, my age and that of my daughters, I been unable to tell him, I couldn't remember.


I hear screaming, crying, screaming ... I hear criticisms, insults, demands, comments ... Sometimes my voices speak in "I", sometimes they qualify my actions by "you". I know that it is I who "speak" (think) but at the same time a distance is put, I refuse to recognize myself in these actions or thoughts. Sometimes the voices I hear are not mine but memories of dialogues I have heard. I recognize the voice (the person) who told them to me.

I have periods when my thoughts and feelings of emotions are the same (I am desperate and I feel pain in my body, I have a stomach ache I feel despair or anguish…), things are " coherent "but sometimes I can have thoughts that have nothing to do with how I feel in my body in terms of emotion, I can be fine, my thoughts are positive but I feel angst in my stomach. And this anxiety is intensifying because I do not understand why it is there. When I have a flashback, images of places from my past are superimposed on my present and I no longer discern past and present. I see places, people, I see scenes from my past as if they were unfolding and my present no longer exists.

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Somatoform symptoms:

During flashbacks, I feel the hands that held me on my body, I feel the body (its weight) climbing over me, I feel the ties that bind my hands and my legs. I feel like the rape is going on, my body being tortured… In a flashback a few months ago, I spent a whole day lying in my bed. I was unable to move and open my eyes. I relived a moment in my early childhood when I was drugged and put in a car to be taken elsewhere. I felt the hands that took me to carry me in this car. I heard the voices of people around but I couldn't open my eyes. I felt my completely limp body being tossed around, my legs limp… I had pain in my shoulder blades (where the hands of my attacker were to carry me). I felt the roughness of the blanket put in the trunk of this car on my cheek when he dropped me off… Another time, when the memories of my father's rapes came back, at first a haunting smell came back . I didn't understand where she came from. Everywhere I could smell an old, dirty handkerchief. Then other memories came back. My dad was wiping my face with that handkerchief taken out of his pants pocket after he ejaculated on my face. Sometimes I can't move, I don't have any strength. Sometimes I no longer hear the people around me talking to me, sometimes my vision blurs and only my inner world exists. Sometimes I can't speak anymore. Sometimes my body does not exist anymore, I am no longer hungry, thirsty, more painful and I can completely forget the need to take care of it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

I love this song and I think it finds its place here…. !!!

Yes I hear voices! And I'm proud of it and no one should be ashamed of it! The brain of dissociated people has found this way to survive the worst ... We survived and it was not thanks to the help of our families, our relatives, society ... so YES I hear voices and I 'm proud of it! Proud to be strong, inventive, survivor, fighter!

So often I put this music in my car, and we all cry (my parts and me) and we all sing it out loud ...

This is our song, the song of the survivors, the song of rage against everything that has been done to us, the song of "we are no longer alone and we will never be again!", The song of l 'hope, the song of the future….

The song to scream at those who tortured us that we survived and that they did not win ...

The song of I piss you off on society and the decent!

The song to say sorry to all my parties for not hearing you, now I'm listening to you, now I see you, now we are all and we are ONE.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

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