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In France we are lucky, we accumulate a lot of destructive theories… It is ironic of course because these theories do enormous damage!

The theory of false induced memories

Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalytic theories


The film directed by Sophie Robert " The Phallus and the Nothingness " makes it possible to realize the atrocious theories which carry these two psychoanalytic currents. In this film, Sophie Robert conducts interviews with great Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysts who are currently working in France.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Sophie ROBERT interviewed 18 Orthodox Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysts to dissect sexual theory with them, asking them to assume the politically very incorrect dimension of their theories. The result is astounding:

The woman does not exist / the woman is a hole / there is only the masculine in the unconscious / there is no possible sexual relationship between a man and a woman / homosexuals are psychotics who ignore each other / children have sexual impulses / only perversion allows sexual intercourse / incest doesn't do much damage, it just makes the girls a little stupid.

These men and women are all references in their field. These psychoanalysts are also teacher trainers in psychology faculties and psychiatry courses. Most of them work in institutes welcoming autistic children.

What are the consequences of these theories on patients who are victims of sexual violence?

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


Source and link to watch the film:


"We can only defend ourselves against what we know. Given the influence of psychoanalysis in French society, it is essential that we all have the means to understand what psychoanalysts have in their heads and how they see the world . " Sophie Robert

Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis no longer exists in more than two countries in the world: in France and in Argentina. Everywhere else, these 2 trends have been put aside and are no longer taught as part of the history of psychology and no longer as an axis of care for patients.


The rest of the world has become aware and warned about the dangers of these 2 currents:

  • Critique of scientific validity: There is no data that psychoanalytic theory cannot interpret a posteriori. The theory can therefore survive even when the facts seem to contradict it thanks to the use of notions such as ambivalence, resistance, denial. However, a scientific theory must be confronted with experience, and therefore be able to be undermined. Moreover his theory is based on a very small number of clinical cases or on a self-analysis by Freud himself and there are no experimental demonstrations and scientific validations made.

  • Dangerousness of the stereotypes it conveys: misogyny towards women, alleged "sexual desire" of the child, responsibility of the child in the event of incest or rape, responsibility of the mother in the event of illness of her child (autism ) despite all the advances in neuroscience and genetics, denial of traumatic amnesia and dissociation even though neuroscientific evidence exists ...

  • Sectarian movement: movement closed in on itself which refuses any scientific criticism and refutes scientific advances, excessively expensive analysis justified by "paying is part of the care process".

  • No evolution of its principles and questioning, everything remained based solely on thought and writings dating from before 1940.

  • No large-scale research, no analysis on the merits and benefits of a cure ...


In France, what is even more serious is that these two currents are interwoven in all layers of our society:

  • Television offers him incredible visibility, so doing a psychoanalytic treatment is becoming a trend.

  • It is taught to all high school students, who do not know "the Oedipus complex" ...

  • It is taught to all workers and social actors: doctors, nurses, social workers ...

  • Psychoanalysts are everywhere in medical schools, PMIs, IMEs, centers for autistic children ...

  • They intervene in court to advise judges during a divorce or to determine sanity and veracity in cases of rape accusations ...

  • Our entire society is steeped in their sayings and dogmas ...


A petition demanding that psychoanalysis no longer be used in French courts:

This petition brings together more than 1,000 professional signatories of French health and justice.


"In the courts, psychoanalysts can today use their diploma in psychology or medicine (when they have them) to issue expert opinions that have no medical or scientific basis, in complete violation of the public health code. The social consequences can be dramatic: fanciful diagnoses not recognized by the international nosographies in force, failure to take into account the needs of people with disabilities or psychiatric patients, school and social exclusion, blaming victims of sexual violence and those who suffer from them. protect in the name of the psychoanalytic ideology according to which truth is always the reverse of tangible reality. "


"We refuse to use the degrees of medicine and psychology to disseminate at the university an education in violation of medicine and the state of knowledge in mental health, for the benefit of ideological dogmas, based on obscurantist and discriminating postulates without no scientific validation. Today psychoanalysis has practically disappeared in the world. In France, psychology students and medical interns still frequently receive at the university a psychoanalytic education delivered with contempt for medicine, the rejection of international nosography of mental illnesses, the refusal of adapted treatments recommended by the High Authority for Health, mistrust of health policies and the rejection of any control or evaluation of their practice. In some universities, students learn to challenge the very principle of the scientific process on the grounds that science is a belief. They are then drawn to outside to receive an obscurantist training where the pathologies are reduced to the Oedipus complex or the pathogenic mother, the whole being masked under an abstruse rhetoric which destabilizes its listeners. We believe that these students are placed in danger of sectarian control and, more importantly, that psychiatric patients pay a high price for care worthy of another age. "  


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