For the past week, I have been going through a great inner upheaval following an event in my daily life which upset the understanding between my parties. I am enormously overcome by anguish, anger, terror and despair.
I manage to manage these intrusions better than in the past but it requires a considerable effort from me to orient my dissociative parts in the present and not to see every little detail of my daily life with their catastrophic and narrowed vision. Many of my parts come to the fore and I can only see with their eyes, their worries and fears. My thinking is reduced and I suffer a lot emotionally and physically. Reassuring them and showing them the whole of my situation, my current security (even if it was compromised by this event) requires a lot of energy and will from me.
So I will take some time for myself and when I get better, I will continue to write the "tips for supporting a dissociated person" posts.
Living with dissociation is really difficult on a daily basis, it is physically and emotionally exhausting!
When all my parts get along, it's wonderful and it feels so good inside, then I feel strong, whole. My parties are happy as never they were never to be alone anymore, hope is there, I can see it ...
But when an event turns this upside down, my body and mind are again washed away and painful again, I feel like I am being slashed by needles or knives all day long and I no longer aspire only one thing coming out of this body that hurts so much.