A first video of the channel "la tronche en biais" :
Useful sites to know to testify and ask if you have a doubt about an organization, a person ...
Site of the association "Thought Movements Study Group for the Prevention of the Individual" https://www.gemppi.org/
Site of the association "Center Against Mental Manipulations" https://www.ccmm.asso.fr/
Site of the association "National Union of associations for the defense of families and the individual" https: // www. unadfi.org/
Website of the Interministerial Mission for vigilance and the fight against sectarian aberrations: https://www.derives-sectes.gouv.fr/
And an interview with Didier Pachoud from GEMPPI
The books cited during the show:
"Le grand décervelage" by Bernard Fillaire
"Sects - state of emergency" Albin Michel editions
"The voluntary submission" by Robert-Vincent Joule, Jean-Léon Beauvois
Steven Hassan's method: "exit counseling"