Carolyn Spring is a person with DID who became a therapist in the UK.
“I have spent my entire adulthood reversing adversity. I developed dissociative identity disorder (DID) as a result of extensive childhood trauma, leaving me helpless, hopeless and suicidal. Alongside this, I developed chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME), leaving me wheelchair-bound for several years. I wasn’t able to have children and in the end even my marriage ended in divorce.
I’ve spent over a decade researching and learning how the brain is impacted by trauma and suffering and how it can process and recover from such suffering. After spending years believing that I would never recover, I began to find the answers. With help, I began to turn things around to reverse adversity.
If I can turn things around, when I had so much going against me, then so can you. And that’s the hope I want to offer you. I want to show you how it’s done. It’s not easy – it takes a lot of hard work, but I want to share with you everything I’ve learned over the last fifteen years. Because recovery really is possible.”
She has a facebook page :
A blog page :
And do podcasts :
Her articles are very interesting!
I find that it has the merit of combining scientific knowledge and psychology theories while putting the right words and a simple explanation to our feelings and experiences as a person with a DID. Her words are ours, her explanations shed light on what we are going through and it is a big plus for us I find!
You will find them here:
How to deal with the crisis: Flashbacks : Sexual violence against children : Pain